Christian Neighbors Network Bizz

CNNBIZZ is Christian Neighbors Network Bizz

Use CNNBIZZ to search for all types of Christian Businesses
From the neighborhood's best restaurants To the country's most renowned surgeons.


Video Submission Service

If a picture is worth 1000 words - Then a video is worth millions.

The reach and power of video has been demonstrated by the many artists and celebrities that have launched their careers through popular video sharing and social media network. The effect of video marketing cannot be denied.

Today more and more small businesses are discovering the power of online video marketing. Video marketing has proven to reach audiences faster than any other form of marketing or advertising and has become one of the best promotional tools for businesses.

Our Video Distribution Service sends your video to the top 20 video sharing sites using carefully targeted and optimized keyword phrases, resulting in your video dominating the search results for your keyword phrases.

We do the essential HTML optimization before we distribute the video.
We optimize the file name, title and description of the video. so you’ll dominate search engines when people search for your keywords, products, and services.

CNNBizz Video Distribution Service includes:

Manual Submission of one (1) video to 20 major video streaming and download platforms including:
• YouTube
• Flickr
• Vimeo
• metacafe
• Photobucket
• DailyMotion
• Viddler
• VideoBash
• and other top video sites

1• We upload the video directly to each video sharing site.
2• We submit the URL along with Title, Description, Tags, Meta etc.

Note:Submission Report will be provided upon completion of your project.
Allow up to 10 days for project to be completed.

No one else offers you so much VALUE or
makes your marketing dollars work so hard for you.

CNNBIZZ Video Submission Service not available at this time

"Add to Cart" is run through the PayPal system, but you don't need a PayPal account to use it. Just click check Out then click pay with bank account/credit card/debit card to continue

Paypal Checkout = Paypal Protection

The Benefits of Using Paypal: Paypal monitors every transaction, 24/7 to prevent against fraud, email phishing and identity theft. Every transaction is heavily guarded behind their advanced encryption. When you pay with PayPal, you don't expose your financial information to sellers. your sensitive information is never shared with sellers. Your personal and financial details are securely encrypted to ensure your money and information stay safer when you pay with PayPal.

PayPal Purchase Protection - Buy with confidence:
"Paypal protects you from checkout to delivery and use the latest anti-fraud technology to help spot problems before they happen. They never reveal your financial info to sellers. And if something goes wrong with an order, they'll investigate. If your transaction qualifies for Purchase Protection, they'll reimburse you for the full purchase price plus any original shipping costs. Return shipping costs are not covered by Purchase Protection."

The Right Place for Your Christian Business.
The Right Marketing Solutions for Your Business.
Promote your christian business where christian customers are searching

Add your Business

Reach more christian customers in more ways. CNNBIZZ business listing contains detailed information that excites consumers and encourages them to buy from you.


Brand Awareness

For National or Regional Businesses, CNNBIZZ banner ads are just what you need when it comes to building brand recognition with your christian customers.


Business Services

We offer a comprehensive menu of products and services to help increase Your Company's Visibility, help you stand out from the crowd, be noticeable and memorable to prospects and clients.


Support Christian B

CNNBIZZ helps christian businesses grow by connecting their marketing message to the christian community who desire to do business with other Christians in their area.