Christian Neighbors Network Bizz

CNNBIZZ is Christian Neighbors Network Bizz

Use CNNBIZZ to search for all types of Christian Businesses
From the neighborhood's best restaurants To the country's most renowned surgeons.

Only JPG Images are allowed

When submitting Business Listing, please follow the following steps:

Provide an accurate and grammatically correct title and description for your business.
Submit your business to the most relevant category.
Featured listings will appear in the latest featured listing on the site main page and on top search result for specific category.
Your submission must be written in English
If you do not own a Website, you may submit your business info only
Your site should not display popups, or attempt to install any software on the user's computer.
Your site should be complete with all links working, and with a generous amount of content.
Finally, sites containing content that is not legal in all parts of the World, or is not legally viewed by children may not be accepted.
No deep links allowed unless for featured links.
Not selling replica products.
Only family friendly content is permitted in our Directory.
Adult or gambling sites, or sites that link to these type of sites are NOT permitted in our Directory
Your Website cannot be under construction or appear incomplete.
Websites containing affiliate links are not accepted.
Websites designed primarily for earning advertising revenue are not permitted.
Websites designed primarily for promoting Viagra, Cialis, etc. are not permitted.
We reserve the right to re-categorize submissions as needed for relevancy purposes.
We reserve the right to modify submission titles and descriptions as needed to correct spelling, improve indexing, etc.
We regularly check listings to maintain the quality of our directory.

Banner Advertising Submission Guidelines:

Advertisements must not mislead or misinform the user.
Target website must not contain automated scripts, auto play video, sound and slow loading flash files.
Administration will approve all content before being placed on site.
All URL's must point to a fixed web page. No Redirection allowed.
We do not accept advertisements containing rude or offensive language or graphics.
We reserves the right to reject any insertion order, graphic or text advertisement.

Please note: While our criteria has been formulated and based upon reviewing tens of thousands of websites, the preceding is only a summary of the editorial criteria used when selecting web sites for inclusion in our directory. The criteria we state and utilize in our approval process are not to be considered all-inclusive. The criteria stated only serves to provide a summary of the general criteria utilized. Network in its sole discretion reserves the right to include or exclude listing any site, keywords or descriptions for reasons that may not be stated and such determinations will be final and binding.

The Right Place for Your Christian Business.
The Right Marketing Solutions for Your Business.
Promote your christian business where christian customers are searching

Add your Business

Reach more christian customers in more ways. CNNBIZZ business listing contains detailed information that excites consumers and encourages them to buy from you.


Brand Awareness

For National or Regional Businesses, CNNBIZZ banner ads are just what you need when it comes to building brand recognition with your christian customers.


Business Services

We offer a comprehensive menu of products and services to help increase Your Company's Visibility, help you stand out from the crowd, be noticeable and memorable to prospects and clients.


Support Christian B

CNNBIZZ helps christian businesses grow by connecting their marketing message to the christian community who desire to do business with other Christians in their area.