CNNBIZZ is Christian Neighbors Network Bizz
Use CNNBIZZ to search for all types of Christian Businesses
From the neighborhood's best restaurants To the country's most renowned surgeons.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is CNNBIZZ?
A: Our purpose is to connect Christian businesses, professionals and individuals with other Christian businesses professionals and individuals, so that they can share services and purchase goods from each other.
Must I belong to a local church to advertise in the directory?
Although it is not required, it is encouraged that every Christian advertiser be a part of a local church.
How do you know that members of the directory are Christians?
We don’t – only God knows for sure. Every Christian business, professional and organization is asked to agree to the Statement of Faith page before committing to the listing.
Can individuals (in business) be listed in the directory?
Yes, if you are licensed and in business for yourself. If you are an independent broker, realtor, etc. you can be listed under your name if you wish.
How much does it cost to advertise?
Our prices are listed on our "add your business page"
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We will actively promote the directory on social media and with churches, local organizations, local chambers, community clubs, and at local events. Word of mouth is the most powerful tool, so please let others know about us.
Q: How can I list my business on CNNBizz?
A: It’s quick and easy to list your business on CNNBizz -
Click Here
Q: How do i access my listings?
A: Click on "User panel" on the Directory's main menu after you sign in.
Click Here
Q:Have More questions?
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