Christian Neighbors Network Bizz

About Christian Neighbors Network Bizz (CNNBIZZ)

Christian Neighbors Network Bizz is designed to create a contact point between Top-Rated Christian Merchants and Trustworthy Christian Professionals
with the Christian community who desire to do business with other Christians in their area, from the city's best preschool to the most renowned surgeon.
CNNBizz lets you instantly find and do business with companies, professionals, websites and organizations that value and honor God’s word. headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. The site is updated continuously throughout the day.
Tens of thousands of churches, professionals, businesses, organization and individuals use our web site daily, to locate Christian businesses, companies, professionals, websites and organizations that value and honor God’s word.

Business owners

To help christian business owners, entrepreneurs and solo professionals committed to operating their business or non-profit under the Lordship of Jesus to become more profitable.
To help christian business owners, entrepreneurs and solo professionals increase their visibility to the Christian community.
To help advance the Kingdom of God by equipping and encouraging Christian business leaders to operate their businesses on Biblical principles.
To bring churches and organizations together and get the word out on all their great events, ministries, services, mission activities, and outreaches so the community can begin to engage with the local church in effective ways. Affordable, local, mobile friendly, easy to use christian directory.
Listing improves your website's placement on Google Search Engine results. Improving your sites SEO.
List in multiple business categories.
Links from the directory to your existing website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube accounts.
Direct contact with potential clients. No cost for leads. Leads go directly to advertisers.
Directory provides you with an optional mini-website. If your business only has a Facebook page, it now has a functional website with its own URL address. No distracting pop-up advertisements ever listed on your directory page.
Google Maps, photo and video galleries.
Business events, news and coupons

Click here for more detail


To help Christians connect with Christian businesses and To encourage, connect and build up Christians.
We know that as a consumer, using this site, you will have a level of assurance that you will be treated well.
Our goal is to assist you find good christian business people that will deliver products and services, to meet your needs.
All our advertisers have agreed to the Statement of Faith indicating that they value and honor God’s word and operate their businesses on Biblical principles.
The site is updated continuously throughout the day.
Easy to use mobile friendly christian directory.
Search by category, city, zip code or key words.
Links from the directory to business website, Facebook or other social media.
Direct contact with businesses for immediate response.
Ability to read and leave business reviews.
No distracting pop-up advertisements listed on any directory page.
Quick connect to businesses through contact form.

Click Here for answers to most of your questions.

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The Right Place for Your Christian Business.
The Right Marketing Solutions for Your Business.
Promote your christian business where christian customers are searching

Add your Business

Reach more christian customers in more ways. CNNBIZZ business listing contains detailed information that excites consumers and encourages them to buy from you.


Brand Awareness

For National or Regional Businesses, CNNBIZZ banner ads are just what you need when it comes to building brand recognition with your christian customers.


Business Services

We offer a comprehensive menu of products and services to help increase Your Company's Visibility, help you stand out from the crowd, be noticeable and memorable to prospects and clients.


Support Christian B

CNNBIZZ helps christian businesses grow by connecting their marketing message to the christian community who desire to do business with other Christians in their area.