Christian Neighbors Network Bizz

CNNBIZZ is Christian Neighbors Network Bizz

Use CNNBIZZ to search for all types of Christian Businesses
From the neighborhood's best restaurants To the country's most renowned surgeons.

Christian Neighbors Network Bizz is a Business Directory made up of Christian Businesses and Christian Professionals. connects Christian Customers with Top-Rated Christian Merchants and Trustworthy Christian Professionals in their area.

National Brand Advertisers

Sponsorship Package

Christian Neighbors Network Bizz Sponsorship Package is an opportunity to showcase your business and products. It works to get traffic and build brand awareness and put your brand in front of a massive community.
Sponsorship Package provides exclusive placement of your business logo, banner and video commercial throughout our website.

Sponsorship Package includes:
1 Banner 300x250
1 Featured Listing

Banner 300px × 250px

This unit appears in all prominent pages of cnnbizz web site, category and subcategory pages, location page and main page of directory and linked back to sponsor home page

Featured Listing

Featured listing appears on CNNBizz Directory main page, advanced search page, location pages, news, events and article pages Click to read more

Click Here to register & add your business

Note: Banner will be added within 24 hrs of payment clearance - photo of business will be used if you want us to add a different photo, please contact us Using your copy and images we can usually provide graphic design and production services without additional charges. If you require custom illustrations or photographs they are available at a very reasonable cost.

The Right Place for Your Christian Business.
The Right Marketing Solutions for Your Business.
Promote your christian business where christian customers are searching

Add your Business

Reach more christian customers in more ways. CNNBIZZ business listing contains detailed information that excites consumers and encourages them to buy from you.


Brand Awareness

For National or Regional Businesses, CNNBIZZ banner ads are just what you need when it comes to building brand recognition with your christian customers.


Business Services

We offer a comprehensive menu of products and services to help increase Your Company's Visibility, help you stand out from the crowd, be noticeable and memorable to prospects and clients.


Support Christian B

CNNBIZZ helps christian businesses grow by connecting their marketing message to the christian community who desire to do business with other Christians in their area.